

开始做某事 $500 Cash 奖金3 当你购买或再融资时 提到促销代码AUTO500


或打电话 1-800-621-2105

汽车贷款 感兴趣 率  4月  每月 付款 贷款期限 (个月)
2024年及以后 6.49% 6.88% $716.65 48
2020-2023 6.94% 7.33% $722.93 48
2017-2019 7.69% 8.08% $733.49 48
2016年及以上 11.44% 11.84% $787.66 48

房价自2024年9月1日起生效,如有变动,恕不另行通知. Each individual’s 年度百分比 率 (4月) is determined by 元素' underwriting criteria. 并不是所有的申请人都有资格获得显示的最低费率. 225美元的文件费适用于所有预订的汽车贷款申请. 年利率计算和例子每月付款在 汽车贷款利率表 based on loan amount of $30,000, FICO®分数为730或更高, 期限为48个月. 费率包括0.从元素支票账户预授权转账可减免25%. 率 reduction is subject to increase if the Preauthorized Transfer is discontinued. 附加条件可能适用. 须经信贷审批. 所显示的付款不包括税金或保险费. 请致电查询除48个月以外的其他期限的价格.




  • 利率低至6.4月88%1
  • 贷款高达汽车价值的120%,包括税和执照
  • 对购买新车或二手车有利
  • 汽车贷款再融资2 也可用
  • 灵活的条款,以满足您的预算
  • 各种各样的 贷款和资产保护计划


  • 通常在一个工作日内就能关闭


特别优惠 元素金融的标志

开始做某事 $500 Cash 奖金3 当你购买或再融资时
汽车贷款 提到促销代码AUTO500


我们将贷款给你买新车或二手车, 你将在一段时间内连本带利地偿还.

提前计划是很好的 获得汽车贷款的预先批准. That way you can have a better idea of what price range you should be shopping for. 获得预先批准也会给你与卖家讨价还价的优势.

元素可以为你的汽车提供高达价值120%的贷款,包括税收和执照. 不过,先付至少20%的定金是个好主意. 当然,你预付的钱越多,你每月的还款额就越低.

我们知道买车可能会让人有点不知所措. 不要害怕! 我们有 可以让你的过程更容易的伙伴关系.


Is there an advantage to getting my 汽车贷款 from 元素 instead of a dealership?

是的. 当你从元素获得汽车贷款时, 你直接与贷款人合作,而不是通过中间人. 经销商将收取安排贷款的费用, 所以它最终会比通过元素更昂贵.


买车时提前考虑总是一个好主意. 申请汽车贷款 before you begin shopping so you can negotiate your deal with a preapproval for financing in hand. 这样你也知道你要买的是什么价位. 



是的! 我们有几个合作伙伴,可以使汽车购买轻而易举.

  • 首选汽车经销商 - If you'd like the convenience of shopping directly at the lot, visit our 首选汽车经销商. 我们有 partnered with 印第安纳波利斯-based auto dealers to bring you fantastic deals and great rates, 以及无与伦比的服务. 了解更多.
  • 企业用车销售 - Did you know that buying at 企业用车销售 is different than buying from anyone else? Enterprise has more than 250 使s and 模型s, so you can find exactly what you're looking for. 了解更多.
  • 购车服务 -会员汽车资源的使命是提供专业的, 无痛, 购买或租赁新车或二手车的经济有效的方式. Their goal is to provide you all the information available in order to 使 the best buying decision. 了解更多.



元素 auto loans include a documentary fee of $225 on all booked auto loan applications.

Refinancing of an existing 元素 auto loan is also subject to an additional $200 refinance fee.


如果得到批准, funds will be made available to the dealer or seller directly via an electronic transfer or check.

Does 元素 offer an extended warranty or other loan or asset protection coverage?

是的. 作为你财务健康的提供者, 我们想确保你有保险, 不管发生什么事. 这就是我们提供贷款和资产保护计划的原因. 这只是我们为你争取最大利益的又一种方式.

保护你的购买, the following programs are available and can be wrapped into your monthly payments:

  • 机械故障保护(MBP), 也被称为延长保修, is automobile protection that extends beyond the manufacturer's factory warranty and covers repairs of unexpected mechanical breakdowns. 在合同有效期内, you are assured that covered components of your vehicle will be repaired in the event of failure. 这包括劳动力,但须遵守任何适用的免赔额. 了解更多.
  • 保证资产保护(GAP) is protection designed to eliminate your unpaid net loan or lease balance in the event your vehicle is stolen or damaged beyond repair. 了解更多.
  • 债的保全 在不确定和紧张的时候保护你的信用评级. Your loan payment will be cancelled or suspended for a period of time without penalty, 添加兴趣, 或者在承保事件发生时被信用局报告为拖欠. Covered events include death, disability, involuntary unemployment, family leave and hospitalization. 了解更多.



更好的利率. 更少的费用.

因为我们是信用合作社, 我们以降低费用的形式将利润返还给会员, 更高的储蓄率和更低的贷款利率.

可信的建议. 新鲜的方法.

我们以成为值得信赖的金融教育机构而自豪. Your financial wellness expert will come to your workplace to answer questions and provide you with 1-on-1 assistance as you navigate the changes that come with each of life's stages.

尊重当地. 在全球范围内访问.

Headquartered in 印第安纳波利斯 since 1930, we rank among the top 3% of credit unions nationally4. 我们为所有50个州和50多个国家的会员提供服务. You’ll have access to 5,000+ shared 分支es nationwide and 78,000+ surcharge-free ATMs globally.

高科技. 人类接触.

我们的技术使使用元素进行银行业务变得简单. From quick digital applications to online and mobile banking, we’ll be by your side wherever you go. We’re here for you with member service available 24/7 and live chat during the workday.




  1. 在线申请 - 你可以在短短15分钟内在线申请! 随时在线或致电提交您的申请 1-800-621-2105 开始吧. Have ready your government-issued ID (driver’s license, state ID, or passport) and 居住证明.
  2. 接我们的电话 - We'll contact you within one business day after you submit your application to go over what documentation we'll need and to answer your questions. 我们还会询问您车辆的价值, 使, 模型, 一年, 里程, 及身份证号码(如没有在申请表上提供).
  3. 就是这样! - 我们会在短期内通知你 1个工作日. 一旦你的申请被批准, 我们会联系你签署文件,然后你的贷款就完成了!




实际上,“良好信用”有几种定义.“所以,如果你过去有过信贷困难, 了解我们是否能帮助你的最好方法是申请贷款. 这样做没有成本, and our loan staff will work with you to look for ways to get your loan request approved.


当你有汽车贷款元素金融, you must carry full coverage that includes comprehensive and collision for the value of the loan. 的数组 保险 products and, when you have your loan with us, you can also insure your vehicle with us. 得到一个 免费在线报价 今天从元素金融保险集团. The application is free, available 24/7, and accessible anywhere that you have Internet access. 如果你想亲自申请,那就到办公室来 分支 你方便吗?! Our friendly Financial Wellness Experts are here to help you in any way that they can. 或者你可以打电话给我们 1-800-842-5936 如果你想在申请前讨论更多的选择. 


如果你的贷款是用担保资金偿还的(银行本票), Cash, or new loan proceeds) the lien card or title will be mailed to the appropriate party as soon as possible. 如果贷款是用个人支票偿还的, 我们将等待10个工作日,然后我们释放留置权卡或所有权.


我们从信用卡和储蓄账户开始, but now we also have our checking and both of our cars financed through 元素. 我认为我们不可能再和普通的银行合作了.

——布兰登·S. | 2017年加入至今




  1. 1 房价自2024年9月1日起生效,如有变动,恕不另行通知. Each individual’s 年度百分比 率 (4月) is determined by 元素' underwriting criteria. 并不是所有的申请人都有资格获得显示的最低费率. 225美元的文件费适用于所有预订的汽车贷款申请. 年利率计算和例子每月付款在 汽车贷款利率表 based on loan amount of $30,000, FICO®分数为730或更高, 期限为48个月. 费率包括0.从元素支票账户预授权转账可减免25%. 率 reduction is subject to increase if the Preauthorized Transfer is discontinued. 附加条件可能适用. 须经信贷审批. 所显示的付款不包括税金或保险费. 请致电查询除48个月以外的其他期限的价格.
  2. 2 要素金融再融资需支付200美元的再融资费.
  3. 3 与汽车贷款相关的最高$500Cash奖励优惠 — requires closing of auto loan with automated payments from an 元素 检查 Account set up at closing and commencement of automated payments. Must mention promo code AUTO500 to the loan originator during the application process. Cash 奖金 offer is calculated as 1% of the total loan amount with a maximum of $500.00 one-time bonus dividend deposit into the 元素 检查 Account used for the automated payment. 如果自动付款从元素支票帐户停止, we reserve the right to deduct the bonus from the checking account balance at that time. 好的赌博软件推荐 refinances and third-party auto loan transactions are not eligible. 报价须经信贷审批,并可能应纳税. 元素保留在任何时候修改或停止提供的权利. 可能适用额外的条款和条件. 请在符合资格后的4-6周内收到奖金. Product offers cannot be combined with other promotional offers for the same product. 每户一份优惠.
  4. 4 基于截至2022年12月31日的资产规模.